Pentecostal challenge: sign up!

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If you sign up for this challenge, what can you expect? I will send you a short e-mail every morning during the seven days after Pentecost, starting Pentecostal Monday. This e-mail will contain valuable insights, based on my provocative, contextual and theological background and of course: the challenge of the day, especially for you.
The challenge will discuss these subjects:

  • How do you approach the world surrounding you?
  • The power of “enough”
  • How to deal with mixed signals
  • How to deal with resistance
  • What helps immensely during social intercourse
  • The power of language
  • Discover from what you live/the source of your living*

Have you become curious? Sign up for this free mini-training from Onverwacht Opgewekt (Unexpectedly Animated!). You will receive valuable tips online during seven days to focus your attention on your personal power, which will consequently strengthen and of course : a challenge every day! Eventually, it all depends on what you do with it, it depends on the action!